Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Blessings in a Bookstore

I found a new bookstore. A one stop shop for most of our home school needs - Beth's Bookshop

OK I did know of it before now, but I risked putting the email out that asked if they were able to supply international and what it would cost to ship my largish order down here. Normally thats a scary time, you're almost committed but shipping varies heaps from company to company - and now that all international shipping is priority - its a reasonable slice of my home-school budget.

Wow - dealing with a real and sympathetic person made such a huge difference to the experience.

It was neat to have a store that was almost custom made to 75% of what I use or will be using next year. Even better the first shipment arrives within 2 weeks of when I first put in the order Something very unusual in these parts. I was just emailing to see if it had been shipped when it arrived on the back doorstep.

So I'm adding my favorite bookshop to the sidebar..

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